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  1. Ionut Bebu1
  2. Barbara H. Braffett1
  3. Trevor J. Orchard2
  4. Gayle M. Lorenzi3
  5. John M. Lachin1, and 
  6. the DCCT/EDIC Research Group*


OBJECTIVE The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT)/Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (EDIC) study has demonstrated


Long-term effect of Libre on HbA1c persists after 3.5 years T1DM. 6 mmol/mol lower HbA1c.
Cajsa Naess, Erik Schwarcz, Örebro


Long-term effect on HbA1c in people with Type 1 diabetes mellitus who use Freestyle Libre. Longest follow-up study

The long-term effect of 3.5 years on HbA1c in 223 people with


Nu ligger anmälan för EASD Barcelona öppen



Svensk förening för Diabetologi inbjuder till Diabetologisk afton i samband med EASD-kongressen i Barcelona

Du som åker till EASD nyttja tillf¨ället att nästsista dagen under konferensen mingla med kollegor och avstämma



Nationwide comparison of long-term survival and cardiovascular morbidity after acute aortic aneurysm repair in patients with and without type 2 diabetes.

Taimour S, Franzén S, Zarrouk M, Acosta S, Nilsson P, Miftaraj M, Eliasson B, Svensson AM, Gottsäter A

Epidemiologiska data indikerar


Risk factors for developing atrial fibrillation similar to those seen for other forms of cardiovascular disease

Older age, cardiovascular comorbidities, and renal complications increase the risk for atrial fibrillation (AF) in patients with type 1 diabetes, according to a study published online June 6


A new consensus report provides "time in range" targets for people with diabetes who use continuous glucose monitoring (CGM).

The recommendations were also presented June 9 at the American Diabetes Association (ADA) 2019 Scientific Sessions and published online June 8 in Diabetes Care.


Välkommen till internationell diabeteskonferens 

 – anmäl ditt intresse redan nu  

Under två spännande diabetesdagar i januari samlas profession, ledande experter och personer med egen erfarenhet av diabetes från hela världen kring temat ”Bygga broar mellan primärvård och slutenvård”. Redan nu kan du anmäla


Severe periodontal disease most common in those with undetected diabetes and vice versa

dental xrays

Undetected dysglycemia is associated with both myocardial infarction (MI) and periodontitis (PD), according to a study published online June 10 in Diabetes Care.

Anna Norhammar, M.D., from the Karolinska


De krav som ställs på unga med diabetes typ 1 kan ofta upplevas som övermäktiga, skriver debattörerna.


Ida Lindstén, rådsmedlem, Ung Diabetes. 
Bild: Fribild

Ung Diabetes har vid ett flertal tillfällen, på olika sätt, lyft behovet av ökad tillgång till psykosocialt stöd för personer med diabetes i



Den 11-12 september 2019 arrangerar Umeå universitet, Stiftelsen för internationalisering av högre utbildning och forskning, Journal of Internal Medicine i samarbete med Svenska Läkaresällskapet Berzeliussymposiet ”Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes: Understanding the Role of Ethnicity”. 

Ledande forskare presenterar en

    Nr 2-3 -2018
Nr 2-3 -2018

DNnr7 8 16 low
dn3 3 2016Omslag

Senaste Diabetolognytt Nr 2-4 -2015  Senaste Diabetolognytt Nr 2-4 -2015
omslag omsl diabetolognytt

Vinter Nr 1 - 2014

2013-10-05 115811

2013-10-05 115811


Senaste nr diabetolognytt

Långtidseffekt på HbA1c hos personer med typ 1 diabetes som använder Freestyle Libre. Längsta uppföljningsstudien

Långtidseffekten 3,5 år av HbA1c hos 223 personer med typ 1 diabetes som använder Freestyle Libre är hållbar.

HbA1c har fallit från 66,1 till 60,1 mmol/l, dvs 6 mmol/mol. Hos de med i


Nya studierREWIND och PIONEER-6 visar klinisk nytta med GLP-1 receptor agonist behandling hos riskpatienter med typ 2 diabetes

Intresset för inkretinbaserad behandling vid typ 2 diabetes ökar alltmera, liksom för SGLT-2 hämmare. Flera nya studier har kommit under senare år, och nu på ADA i juni


I laboratorieexperiment har forskare från universitetet i Exeter, Storbritannien, visat att när de insulinproducerande betacellerna stessas i den diabetiska sockerrika miljön kan de omvandlas och få en ny funktion. Istället för att utsöndra insulin börjar de att likt en deltacell producera


DECLARE-TIMI 58: Dapagliflozin shows ‘robust’ potential for kidney disease prevention in type 2 diabetes 

SAN FRANCISCO —Beyond improved cardiovascular outcomes, the SGLT2 inhibitor dapagliflozin may also offer adults with type 2 diabetes the potential to prevent and treat kidney disease, according


SAN FRANCISCO — Children with early-onset type 1 diabetes and worse glycemic control had slower growth in brain regions associated with mild cognitive deficits compared with controls without diabetes, according to new data from the Diabetes Research in Children Network study presented at the


21-Year Follow Up of STENO-2 Participants Shows 69% Reduction in Stroke and Additional 8 Years of Life Expectancy

STENO-2 followed people with type 2 diabetes for over two decades to compare outcomes of receiving multifactorial interventions or standard of care. Multifactorial interventions were


CITY Trial Supports Use of CGM in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes

The CITY trial tested whether the Dexcom G5 continuous glucose monitor (CGM) could improve outcomes in adolescents (14-25 years) with type 1 diabetes. Compared to BGM,

CGM resulted in a 4 mmol per mol greater reduction in A1C


CAROLINA Finds No Differences Between Tradjenta and Glimepiride Heart Health Outcomes

Previous studies have suggested that a type of medication called sulfonylureas, particularly Orinase (tolbutamide), may be unsafe for the heart. The FDA currently has a product-label warning for heart-related


SAN FRANCISCO, June 11, 2019 3 hrs ago

The PIONEER 6 trial achieved its primary endpoint by demonstrating non-inferiority of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) with oral semaglutide compared with placebo, both in addition to standard of care.

The primary endpoint was defined as the MACE


At the 2019 Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes (ATTD), we got a preview of the international consensus report on TIR goals


The refined report has now been published online in ...

During a Monday afternoon session at the Scientific Sessions, Chloe Zera, MD, MPH, and Howard Berger, MD, debated the question of whether all pregnant women with gestational diabetes or preexisting diabetes should be induced by 38 weeks. Dr. Zera argued in favor of induction and Dr. Berger made the


Diabetes in Pregnancy

Florence 2019-05-29 - 06-01

Detta möte arrangeras vartannat år och hölls nu för femte gången och samlade ca 350 deltagare företrädesvis från Europa. Målgruppen är gynekologer/obstetriker, diabetologer och forskningsaktiva inom fältet. Vi lärde oss många nya förkortningar och en lista finns


Abbott's FreeStyle Libre


Abbott said today that new data show its FreeStyle Libre continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) system significantly reduces hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels in certain adults with type 2 diabetes.

Presented as a late-breaker at American Diabetes Association (ADA) annual conference in San Francisco, the


Kidney transplantation is more likely to fail for adults with diabetic kidney disease and diabetic neuropathy who then present with a diabetic foot ulcer after surgery vs. those without foot ulcer, according to findings presented at the American Diabetes Association 79th Scientific Sessions. In
