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ADA Boston

Latinos who worry about having enough food to eat, so called food insecurity, report having a poorer diet and exhibit worse glycemic control ,HbA1c, than tose who are not worried about having sufficient food to surivive, according to a study

These findings suggest that food insecurity


ADA Boston

Gut-hormone-based mewdication used to treat diabetes, such as GLP-1-receptor agonists, have also been show to reduce body weight. Researchers have ben working to understand how.

This study sheds light on how these medications alter the brain´s response to food, possibly reducing



Type 1 diabetes patients younger than 40 may be candidates for statin use, as guidelines recommend after age 40, researchers suggested.

Under the American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology definition,

• the 10-year cardiovascular risk was about 5% for type 1 diabetes patients


ADA Boston.

Treatment with sitagliptin, a DPP4-inhibitor, versus placebo for median 3 years in 14 671 patients with type 2 diabetes and established cardiovascular (CV) disease showed non-inferiority for the primary composite CV endpoint of the trial evaluating CV outcomes (TECOS) in the


ADA Boston

From fiercemedicaldevices.com

Today's Top News

Medtronic touts data in support of FDA approval of the latest MiniMed glucose monitor

Medtronic presented data in support of FDA approval of its MiniMed 640G glucose monitor and pump at the ongoing annual meeting of the American Diabetes


Tidningen DiabetologNytt skickas i början av denna vecka ut till 4000 medlemmar i Svensk Förening för Diabetologi.

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Press release from Sanofi 

ELIXA is the first event-driven cardiovascular outcomes study to provide data for a GLP-1 receptor agonist -

Full results for ELIXA study presented at American Diabetes Association's 75th Scientific Sessions -

Paris, France - June 8, 2015 - Sanofi announced today the


 ADA Boston

Diabetes education and support are needed throughout a persons´ life, not just at diagnosis. It has always been acknowledged as a key part of diabetes care.

Scientific evidence supports a structure for education. We know that education works. Research has shown that diabetes education and


ADA BostonF

Four experts review the latest advances in islet transplantation, including results from a major multicenter, phase 3 registration trial. T

“We are now planning the FDA submission of a Biological License Application for islet transplantation,” said Dr. Ricordi. “If successful, it


Banting Medal winner investigating many roles of adiponectin, Philipp E. Scherer, PhD

Adipose tissue is emerging as one of the most potent regulatory tissues in the human body. There’s much more to it than fat and obesity.

“No other tissue has been so maligned for so long,” said Philipp E.


Boston ADA

What is the optimal treatment for patients with diabetes and osteitis or osteomyelitis of a bone in the diabetic foot, surgical or medical and is there a role for hyperbaric therapi in treating the diabetic foot ulcer?

There is strong evidence on all sides of these questions, and even


Boston ADA

If we take a look at all the posters and oral presentations the following search words are the most popular topics, in number of abstracts.

It may give some hints about today´s main topic for the diabetes community as well as the challenges for the future

Listing from highest

85 number of



Boston ADA.

The artificial pancreas (AP) for children and adolescents is not a reality. Not yet. But closed loop technology is improving and moving toward. Many investigators see device submission and approval as a matter of time.

One of the most exciting things in the AP world in the last year is



Boston ADA.

Newer formulations of insulin promise to be effective but also more costly than the insulin already on the market. New insulins coming up, more long-working Tresiba, higher concentration of the new Lantus U 300, new Humalog U-200 and so on.

Are they really worth it?

Con; New products are



Boston ADA.

Diabetes medications will continue to rise, the cost of developing and introducing new medication is also on the rise. In terms of diabetes drugs, we have seen very large studies, trials and the lengthening cost money, which suggest larger than average development costs.

At a Meeting



We are gathered to share cutting-edge research, treatment recommendation toward a better life for people with diabetes – in the long run a cure for diabetes.

In US 23 million people, children and adults, have diabetes.

The ADA Meeting started 75 years ago – so this year a year


Starka resultat från IMPROVE-IT-studien publicerade i New England Journal of medicine

•  2015-06-04 • Press info

I går kväll publicerades resultaten från IMPROVE-IT, [IMProved Reduction of Outcomes: VYTORIN Efficacy International Trial] i New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM).

Det är första gången som


BOSTON, MA — The IMPROVE-IT study, the large cardiovascular-outcomes trial that showed a clinical benefit to adding ezetimibe (Zetia, Merck/Schering Plough) to statin therapy in post–acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients, is now published[1].

First presented during the late-breaking



Värdebaserad uppföljning av diabetesvård – analys från framtagande av nya uppföljningssystem


pdfLadda hem rapporten 156 sidor


Som ett led i Sveus arbete med utveckling av nya uppföljningssystem har analyser utförts på



Pressmeddelande  •  2015-06-03 08:03 CEST

  • 86 abstracts represent significant investment in diabetes research with a focus on individualised treatment approaches
  • Notable late-breaker abstracts include data from a Phase III study comparing the efficacy and safety of dapagliflozin versus placebo as an

En ny Sifo-undersökning, utförd på uppdrag av Bayer, visar att fyra av tio svenska ögonläkare anser att de inte kan erbjuda alla patienter med åldersförändringar i gula fläcken, våt AMD, optimal behandling. Sju av tio ögonläkare anser dessutom att patienterna får vänta för länge på behandling, något


(Reuters Health) - Earlier screening, diagnosis and treatment of type 2 diabetes may decrease the risk of cardiovascular problems, hint results from a computer model.


The timing of the diagnosis and the start of treatment appeared more important than the actual intensity of treatment, the

1177 Vårdguiden för patienter
1177 Vårdguiden Press Release Diabetes
Allt fler människor lever med diabetes, antingen för att de själva har sjukdomen eller som anhöriga . Diabetes är egentligen ett samlingsnamn för flera olika sjukdomar, och därför kan livet med diabetes skilja sig

Dawit Isaak, jornalist och författare, har suttit fängslad i 5000 dagar i sitt forn hemland Eritrea.


13 år, 8 månader och 2 veckor.


Utan en formell anklagelse. Utan att dom avkunnats.


Idag arrangeras bland andra städer en stor manifestation på Sergels Torg i Stockholm, dit arrangören ränkar med att

Hälften av de patienter som opererats för övervikt med gastric bypass löper förhöjd risk att drabbas av episoder med lågt blodsocker. För de som opererats med metoden duodenal switch är risken ännu högre.

Detta visar en studie på Akademiska sjukhuset där patienter följts upp ett till två år efter
