- Fight against diabetes is a losing battle, ADA official says
Marjorie Cypress, President, Health Care & Education of the American Diabetes Association, said health care professionals were losing the war to stop diabetes. She noted that if current trends continue, up to one-third of all Americans will have diabetes by 2050. With that in mind, she called for more activism. ADA Diabetes Dispatch (2014)
- Outstanding educator recipient touts empathy for diabetes patients
Self-care is essential to diabetes management, argues Katie Weinger, winner of this year’s ADA Outstanding Educator in Diabetes Award. ”We not only ask people with diabetes to believe impossible things about themselves and their disease, we ask them to do impossible things,” she said. ”Diabetes affects not just the individual, it affects their family, their work, their life, their relationships.” And health professionals, she said, need to understand what it’s like to be in their shoes. ADA Diabetes Dispatch (2014)
- Researcher: Gestational diabetes may be linked to gut bacteria
Jacob E. Friedman, this year’s winner of the Norbert Freinkel Award, will present his findings today on how the bacteria in a woman’s gut affect her chances of getting gestational diabetes during pregnancy and type 2 diabetes postpartum. His research points to implications for the infant, too, including later in life, because babies are not born with microbiomes and get it all from their mother. ADA Diabetes Dispatch (2014)
- Diabetes Care editors highlight year’s best published research
ADA Diabetes Dispatch (2014)
- Researcher: End-stage renal disease due to progressive decline
ADA Diabetes Dispatch (2014)
- Care for diabetic feet calls for a multidisciplinary approach
ADA Diabetes Dispatch (2014)
- Debaters to address need for CVD screening for diabetes patients
ADA Diabetes Dispatch (2014)
- Interest in artificial pancreas increases with type 1 rise
ADA Diabetes Dispatch (2014)
- Panel discusses SGLT2 inhibitors, the newest oral diabetes treatment
ADA Diabetes Dispatch (2014)
- 4 researchers delve into how body senses nutrients, releases insulin
ADA Diabetes Dispatch (2014)
- Pancreatic transplants have to deal with dual rejection
ADA Diabetes Dispatch (2014)
- Metabolism an interaction of tongue, brain, gut and portal vein
ADA Diabetes Dispatch (2014)
- The above content is from the official meeting newspaper Diabetes Dispatch.
View the full paper.