DiabetologNytt Nr 1-2-2025
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ADA report June 15 Reports; Latest news, gestational diabetes may be linked to gut bacteria, screening for sub-clinical cv disease, transplantation,

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ADA Scientific Sessions

  • Outstanding educator recipient touts empathy for diabetes patients
    Self-care is essential to diabetes management, argues Katie Weinger, winner of this year’s ADA Outstanding Educator in Diabetes Award. ”We not only ask people with diabetes to believe impossible things about themselves and their disease, we ask them to do impossible things,” she said. ”Diabetes affects not just the individual, it affects their family, their work, their life, their relationships.” And health professionals, she said, need to understand what it’s like to be in their shoes. ADA Diabetes Dispatch (2014) alt LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Email this Story

  • Researcher: Gestational diabetes may be linked to gut bacteria
    Jacob E. Friedman, this year’s winner of the Norbert Freinkel Award, will present his findings today on how the bacteria in a woman’s gut affect her chances of getting gestational diabetes during pregnancy and type 2 diabetes postpartum. His research points to implications for the infant, too, including later in life, because babies are not born with microbiomes and get it all from their mother. ADA Diabetes Dispatch (2014) alt LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Email this Story

  • The above content is from the official meeting newspaper Diabetes Dispatch.
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