What we provide:
1 ) A how-to guide, along with starter documents including flyers, walking prescrition pads and posters
2 ) Walk with a Doc merchandise: t-shirts, pedometers, banners, yard signs, etc
3 ) A press release to send to your local newspaper and TV stations
4 ) Liability insurance and a waiver (translated in both English/Spanish) for your participants
5 ) Webpage development and maintenance (by us, for you) on WWAD’s site outlining everything you wish to share including links to your medical webpage
6 ) Newsletter mention welcoming you to the WWAD family (link to your medical webpage included)
What we need from you:
1 ) Confirm you are a board-certified physician
2 ) Find a park
3 ) Talk for 3-5 minutes at the beginning of your walk on a topic important to the public (hypertension, dyslipidemia, coronary disease, women’ s heart disease, stents, etc)
4 ) Walk!
From http://www.walkwithadoc.org/who-we-are/sign-up/
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