DiabetologNytt Nr 1-2-2025
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Världsdiabetesdagen. Sverige. World wide

Idag är födelsedagen för Fredrik Banting, som fick Nobelrpiset för sin upptäckt av insulin 1921.
Över hela Sverige uppmärksammas Världsdiabetesdagen under fredag-söndag med olika events för att diskutera diabetes, öka kunskap och medvetenheten. Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö, etc.
Googla "Världsdiabetesdagen" så hittar du aktiviteter på olika orter i Sverige och på en plats nära dig. Engagera dig på de olika sätt som finns.
www red DiabetologNyt
The latest IDF Diabetes Atlas estimates that 415 million adults worldwide are living with diabetes. By 2040, 642 million people, or one in ten people will be living with this condition. According to the IDF Diabetes Atlas 2015, 75% of people with diabetes live in developing countries where rapid urbanisation, unhealthy diets and sedentary lifestyles are promoting the development of new cases of type 2 diabetes. Tragically, nearly half of people with diabetes remain undiagnosed, which makes them particularly susceptible to the complications of the condition, which cause significant disability and premature deaths.
Type 2 diabetes accounts for roughly 90% of all diabetes cases worldwide. Up to 70% of cases of type 2 diabetes could be prevented by adopting healthier lifestyles and promoting policies and environments that encourage healthy eating and increased physical activity. 
The World Diabetes Day (WDD) 2015 campaign marks the second of a three-year (2014-16) focus on healthy eating and diabetes. With the slogan ‘Halt the diabetes epidemic: Make healthy eating a right, not a privilege’, the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) calls for urgent action to improve  access and affordability of healthy food choices to reduce the global burden of diabetes and save billions in lost productivity and healthcare costs.
The World Diabetes Day campaign focuses on the importance of  healthy eating in preventing type 2 diabetes and in effectively managing all types of diabetes to avoid complications.
The key messages of the campaign are:
1. Act to change your life today
Healthy eating is an important part of managing all types of diabetes.
2. Act to change the world tomorrow
Access to affordable healthy food is essential to reducing the global burden of diabetes and ensuring global sustainable development.
For more detailed break-down of the key messages please visit the WDD website.
There are many ways you can support World Diabetes Day both offline and online.
Do not forget to submit your event on the WDD event map and share photos of all your WDD activities. 
  • Promote WDD on social media – like, share and retweet.
  • Update your Facebook and Twitter header with WDD headers.
  • Compose WDD related tweets of your preference and use the official @WDD hashtag #WDD on Twitter. It is also favourable if you add the link to the campaign website: www.worlddiabetesday.org.
  • Use WDD visuals.
  • Share and retweet or like and favourite any of the messages IDF will be posting during the campaign.
  • Participate in the discussion by responding to our messaging.
  • Share our suggested tweets.
  • Take a blue circle selfie and share it on social media channel.
  • Download and share our WDD infographics.
  • Engage and activate your online community to support WDD.
We invite you to be as active as possible, so your network can also be involved in this important campaign.
Partners of the International Diabetes Federation help make World Diabetes Day a global success by providing valuable support for many of the activities taking place around the world.RESOURCES