Although developments in rapid-acting insulins are ongoing, novel formulations appear to be some way off.
Phase III trials are, however, underway for the new, ultra-rapid acting insulin, FIAsp.
This new preparation is, in essence, insulin aspart (Novorapid®), but with the additional excipients nicotinamide and arginine. These appear to increase the onset of action of FIAsp, with early data suggesting that tolerability and adverse effects, namely hypoglycemia, are similar to those found with insulin aspart.
Meanwhile, BIOD-238 and BIOD-250 are two ultra-rapid acting insulin analogues, derived from modified insulin lispro (Humalog), currently undergoing Phase I trials.
Preliminary results have demonstrated significantly more rapid absorption rates, with double the total amount of insulin absorbed in the first 30 minutes,
compared with lispro. The half-life of both insulins also appears to be significantly shorter than that of lispro but with similar tolerability. Phase II trials are now underway.