Laboratory medicine in Nordic countries [CCL-SE-KLS@PEACH.EASE.LSOFT.COM] för
Kolla, kolla!
Från 718 antikroppar och 413 568 bilder 2005 till 17 298 flera miljoner bilder och 14079 human gener efter senaste uppdateringen i september 2012 finns snart 70 procent av människans alla proteiner kartlagda i ’The human protein atlas’!
Vad skall man det till? Jo så här beskriver projektet sig självt .
The Human Protein Atlas portal is a publicly available database with millions of high-resolution images showing the spatial distribution of proteins in 46 different normal human tissues and 20 different cancer types, as well as 47 different human cell lines. The data is released together with application-specific validation performed for each antibody, including immunohistochemisty, Western blot analysis and, for a large fraction, a protein array assay and immunofluorescent based confocal microscopy. The database has been developed in a gene-centric manner with the inclusion of all human genes predicted from genome efforts. Search functionalities allow for complex queries regarding protein expression profiles, protein classes and chromosome location.
Here you can search for a gene or protein and find
* protein expression profiles based on immunohistochemistry for a large number of human tissues, cancers and cell lines
* subcellular localization in three cell lines
* transcript expression levels in three cell lines
* use Fields in the Search function to build your own query to find all proteins expressed in a certain organ or specific tissue, located in a certain subcellular compartment or differentially expressed in a given tumor type. Go to search examples.
Adressen är
Tips från kollega Anders Kallner, MD, PhD
www red DiabetologNytt