The finding could shed light on why shiftwork has been linked to increased risks of disease, including high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes.
- People who work night shifts or non-regular hours are more likely to have diets that promote chronic inflammation, according to a new study.
- Shiftwork has been linked to increased risks of disease, including high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes. Poor eating habits might contribute to some of the risks.

Western-style diets with higher levels of calories and fats have been linked to increased inflammation, compared with Mediterranean diets high in fruits and vegetables.
People who work night shifts or non-regular hours are more likely to have diets that promote chronic inflammation, according to a study in the February Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.
Michael Wirth, MSPH, Ph.D., of the University of South Carolina, Columbia, and colleagues analyzed the relationship between shiftwork and pro-inflammatory diet using data from a nationwide sample of employed adults. Based on diet questionnaires, the researchers calculated a ”dietary inflammatory index” (DII) for each individual. The greater the DII score, the more pro-inflammatory the diet.
With adjustment for other factors, shiftworkers had an elevated DII compared with day workers. For those who worked varying shifts, the average DII was 1.07, compared with .86 for day workers.
Women had higher DII values than men. Among women, the DII was higher for evening or night shiftworkers compared with day workers: 1.48 versus 1.17.
Shiftwork has been linked to increased risks of disease, including high blood pressure, obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Poor eating habits might contribute to some of the risks. Western-style diets with higher levels of calories and fats have been linked to increased inflammation, compared with Mediterranean diets high in fruits and vegetables.
The DII provides a way of measuring how ”pro-inflammatory” a person’s diet is. A recent study of police officers found a higher DII in officers doing shiftwork. The new study suggests a similar elevation in DII among shiftworkers in the general population.
It’s still unclear how much of an impact the elevated DII has on health, but a pro-inflammatory diet might be one factor contributing to shiftwork-related health risks.
”Inflammatory diets represent a target for behavioral interventions to reduce the health impacts of shiftwork,” Wirth and his co-authors note. They add that interventions should address other important lifestyle factors as well, including physical activity, proper sleep and light exposure.
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