DiabetologNytt Nr 1-2-2025
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Skicka in vetenskaplig presentation som poster till SFDs vårmöte Örebro 7-8/5. Information kring poster

Swedish Society of Diabetology, spring and fall meeting

Receipt of Abstracts

Abstracts can only be submitted by mail and must be submitted 4 weeks prior to the meeting, spring or fall meetings. The SFD scientific secretary will notify the presenting (= first named) author when the abstract has been accepted.

Submission of Abstracts

Authors are permitted to submit work that has been accepted for publication or has already been published elsewere.

Presented human studies needs to have been performed in accordance with the ethical standards laid down in the Helsinki Declaration (see World Medical Association: www.wma.net).

Animal studies has to have been carried out along the “Principles of laboratory animal care” (NIH Publication no. 85-23, revised 1985) and according to the national law, if applicable.


Presenting authors may be co-authors of other abstracts. It is mandatory that the first named (= presenting) author of any abstract accepted for presentation be present to deliver his/her paper.

Abstracts are restricted in the way that the presenting author needs to be a member of the Swedish Society of Diabetology. The regulations will be strictly enforced.

The abstract can be submitted in Swedish or English.

Abstract instructions

The abstract should be submitted in the following way:

1) The title should be short (maximum 150 characters).

2) Please enter your name and the names of co-authors as given in the following example. It is important to start each name with a capital letter and continue in lower case

First name:       John
Last name:       Widström

3) The abstract must be structured. Enter each section into the corresponding text field with the provided sub-headings in bold (Background and aims:, Materials and methods:, Results: and Conclusion:). The abstract structuring words are fixed for each abstract text box. One or two sentences should describe the methods, and any aspects of methodology (e.g. use of control groups, randomisation, patient selection, assay variation). The sentences stating the results must include hard data, including statistical analysis.

4) References are allowed.

5) For drugs exclusively generic names should be used (no trademarks).

6) Approved abbreviations and units of expression should be used.

7) Grant/Support information must be stated.

8) Where applicable, the Clinical Trial Registration Number should be entered.

9) Up to five keywords can be selected.

Poster Presentations

Posters will be electronically displayed according to the program committee.

Furthermore, all posters are presented at special, formal Poster Discussion Session. During the Poster Presentation Sessions, the presenting author must be present or make arrangements for somebody with knowledge of the displayed work to be present. An average of 3 – 5 minutes will allow for each author to present his/her poster, followed by open discussion of 3 – 5 minutes (depending on the number of abstracts in the poster session).

Poster Dimensions (landscape size)

1) Electonically displayed in one PPP.

2) The Title, the Author(s) and the Place(s) of work should be positioned at the top of the poster.

3) Each presentation should include a brief explanation of the Background and Aims, Materials and Methods, Results and Conclusions.

4) All text, tables, and drawings should be large enough for good visibility.

5) Swedish or English language may be used.

Johan Jendle


vetenskaplig sekr SFD


www red DiabetologNytt
