Dear colleagues,
Wednesday, August 30th
Registration for delegates start at 4 pm.
Wednesday, August 31st
09.00-09.15 Welcome and introduction.
Paul Franks, Lund University Diabetes Center, Sweden
09.15-10.00 Precision medicine: where are we and where are we going?
Leif Groop, Lund University Diabetes Center, Sweden
10.00-10.45 What industry wants from academic partnerships in precision medicine.
Hartmut Ruetten, Sanofi, Germany
10.45-11.15 Coffee break (poster session 1)
11.15-12.15 Why national initiatives and global collaborations are needed and how they are taking shape. Phil Smith, NIDDK, US
12.15-13.30 Lunch
13.30-14.15 The genetics of therapeutic response. Jose Florez, Harvard, US
14.15-15.00 Is genotype-guided lifestyle therapy on the horizon?
Anna Krook, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
15.00-15.30 Coffee break (poster session 2)
15.30-16.15 Societal and ethical implications of genetically-guided medicine.
Andy Miah, Salford, UK
16.15-17.00 Functional genomics. Manolis Kellis, MIT, US
17.00-17.45 Elucidating mechanisms. Anna Gloyn, Oxford, UK
19.00-22.00 Symposium dinner
Thursday, September 1st
09.00-09.45 What can monogenic obesity teach us about disease stratification and personalized treatment in type 2 diabetes? Giles Yeo, Cambridge, UK
09.45-10.30 What can monogenic diabetes teach us about disease stratification and personalized treatment in type 2 diabetes? Andrew Hattersley, Exeter, UK
10.30-11.15 Making precision medicine personal. Mike Snyder, Stanford, US
11.15-12.00 Commercialization of precision medicine. Adam Auton, 23andMe, US
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.00-14.00 Debate: precision medicine will transform patient care for the better:
for: Ewan Pearson, University of Dundee, UK
against: Simon Griffin, University of Cambridge, UK
14.00-14.45 Nature genetics’ view of the prospects for precision medicine.
Myles Axton, Cheif Editor, Nature Genetics
14.45-15.00 Coffee break (poster session 3)
15.00-15.45 Innovation in big data analysis. Mark McCarthy, Oxford, UK
15.45-16.00 Closing remarks. Paul Franks