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Type 2 Diabetes is a lifestyle disease that requires the person living with the disease to make many daily decisions about diet, activity level, and medications, as well as adequate support to manage the disease successfully.
Shared decision-making is a collaborative process that allows patients and
Researchers have tried many approaches to induce beta cells to proliferate and improve function, and most have failed. But several new approaches have emerged, including embryonic stem cells, genetic-based drug discovery, and novel signaling pathways.
Shuibing Chen, PhD
“Genome-wide association
During Saturday’s two-hour symposium Diabetes, Drugs and Heart Failure,, four experts will discuss several novel diabetes medications and their impact on heart failure.
Shannon M. Dunlay, MD, MS
Shannon M. Dunlay, MD, MS, opens the session with a review of the epidemiology of diabetes in heart
Although the latest high-density lipoprotein (HDL) clinical trials have not shown protection against cardiovascular disease, HDL research needs to continue, according to Alan T. Remaley, MD, PhD, one of the presenters for Saturday afternoon’s symposium The Atherogenic Dyslipidemia Complex—New
Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) outcomes provide meaningful metrics for clinical trials and diabetes care, but the benefits can’t be demonstrated without a standard set of definitions, according to a panel of experts who spoke at a Friday symposium.
The researchers outlined three published and
For adults with hypertension treated with antihypertensive medication, reducing systolic blood pressure (SBP) levels to 120 to 124 mm Hg is associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality, according to a review published online May 31 in JAMA Cardiology.
Joshua D.
Investigational artificial-pancreas systems uniformly appeared to improve glycemic control in outpatients in a new systematic review and meta-analysis, despite the different technologies tested and varying clinical conditions in the included clinical trials.
The analysis, which included 24
Pressmeddelande från Sahlgrenska akademin vid Göteborgs universitet, tisdag den 6 juni 2017.
Publicering i Nature Communications i dag klockan 11:00. Artikeln nu synlig hos tidskriften efter viss fördröjning. 
Nyupptäckt sjukdomsmekanism för typ 2-diabetes
Nu presenteras en nyupptäckt mekanism bakom
The 77th Scientific Sessions will be held in USA, San Diego, CA from June 9-13, 2017.
More than 15,000 leading physicians, scientists and health care professionals from around the world convene each year at the American Diabetes Association’s Scientific Sessions to unveil cutting-edge research,
Low carbohydrate diets for the management of type 1 diabetes have been popularised by social media.

The promotion of a low carbohydrate diet in lay media is in contrast to published pediatric diabetes guidelines that endorse a balanced diet from a variety of foods for optimal growth and...
Researchers at the University of Gothenburg and the Institute of Biomedical Investigation of Girona have found that gut microbial shifts under metformin treatment contribute to improved blood sugar control.
They believe that the drug effects on blood glucose may result from normalising the
Prevalence of celiac disease varied from 1.9 to 7.7 percent among children in U.S. and Australia
Children with type 1 diabetes often have comorbid celiac disease (CD), according to a study published online May 25 in Diabetes Care.
Maria E. Craig, M.B.B.S., Ph.D., from the Children's Hospital at
Pressmeddelande från SOM-institutet vid Göteborgs universitet 2017-06-01
När svenska folket tycker till om hälso- och sjukvården är aspekter som att få berätta om sin situation och att få medverka i planeringen av sin egen vård, omsorg och behandling viktiga. Något de upplever inte sker i

Increased odds of direct ER referral, inpatient admission for diabetic foot ulcers, infections

Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) and diabetic foot infections (DFIs) are associated with increased risks of admission and outpatient visits, according to a study published online May 11 in Diabetes Care.
A long-term follow up of a landmark study into type 1 diabetes control has compared rates of severe hypoglycemia within groups that were formerly intensively and non-intensively controlled.
The study uses data from the DCCT and EDIC trials. DCCT stands for Diabetes Control and Complications Trial and EDIC stands for
Nedan har skickats till DiabetologNytt redaktionen

Socialstyrelsen har publicerat nya nationella riktlinjer för diabetesvård. Inga förändringar på blodtrycksfronten.

Noterbart är att man under 

Tillstånd: Typ 2-diabetes med högt blodtryck skriver följande: ”Senaste litteratursökning är utförd 2008.
I tidningen hade aktuellt företag tyvärr bytt plats 
Även en enskild summa hade hamnat fel.
Rätt ska vara som nedtill
• Stipendiet för förtjänstfull kvalitetsarbete stöds ekonomiskt av Boehringer Ingelheim med 30.000. 
• Stipendium till årets diabetesteam stöds ekonomiskt av Eli Lilly med 40.000
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Kl 09.00 idag skriver Socialstyrelsen på sin www
Socialstyrelsen uppdaterar nu nationella riktlinjer för diabetesvård och ger nya glukossänkande läkemedel en betydligt högre prioritering än tidigare. Även fetmakirurgi vid typ 2-diabetes
Sjukvårdens framtid –
vi ger plats för debatten i Almedalen
Dagens Medicins Vårdtorg är mötesplatsen för sjukvårdens aktörer i Almedalen. Här diskuterar vi alltifrån medicinsk forskning till sjukvårdsorganisation med politiker, tjänstemän, patienter och profession. Med start måndag morgon den 3 juli
Results from the ongoing first large real-world evidence study of its kind published in the American Heart Association.
This is a comparative effectiveness study comparing new users of SGLT-2 inhibitors with new users of other glucose-lowering drugs with regard to hospitalization for heart failure
Benartärsjukdom farligare än icke-dödlig hjärtinfarkt
En ny svensk studie ger en förtydligad bild av benartärsjukdom som en underbehandlad åkomma med hög risk för framtida hjärt-kärlhändelser.
– För första gången har vi nu nationella siffror för prognosen hos patienter med benartärsjukdom.
The medical device industry appears to be under siege by cybercriminals, but it isn't taking steps to defend itself, according to two separate reports.
Over the next 12 months, two thirds of medical device manufacturers and more than half of healthcare delivery organizations (HDOs) say that a
Top-line results from the large cardiovascular safety outcomes trial for AstraZeneca's once-weekly version of the glucagonlike peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist drug for type 2 diabetes,
exenatide (Bydureon), show the agent met the goal of cardiovascular safety but failed to show any
Ny forskning visar att snusare har en ökad risk för typ 2-diabetes. Men hur negativa är snusets hälsoeffekter i övrigt? Mer forskning behövs, menar Cecilia Magnusson, adjungerad professor vid institutionen för folkhälsovetenskap vid Karolinska Institutet.
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