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The event is supported by a grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation Steno Diabetes Neuro Unit (SDNU) Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen. Borg. Ib Juuls Vej 83, DK-2730 Herlev - and no cost to participate

Steno Diabetes Neuro Unit Symposium 2023

Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen (SDCC) would like to invite you to the 1st Steno Diabetes Neuro 


Cognitive dysfunction in diabetes                                                                      – How to screen in research and clinical settings.

Date & time: September 15 to 16, 2023. No registration fee.

Meeting place: Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen, Borgmester Ib Juuls Vej 83, 2730 Herlev, Denmark.

Observe Sign-up: 

latest August 1 via the attached registration form.


Target group

Established and younger researchers and healthcare professionals from different academic backgrounds, disciplines, and fields including, but not limited to diabetology, neurology, and neuropsychology are welcome.

Fifteen seats will be reserved for early-career researchers signing up with an abstract. For young researchers travel grants for up to 5.000 DKK can be applied for. If needed, participants will be selected to ensure a broad representation, presenters of abstracts will be prioritized.


Cognitive impairment is increasingly recognised as a complication to diabetes and may negatively impact diabetes care. The aetiology of cognitive dysfunction in diabetes is not fully understood, and no established treatment exists. Yet, some guidelines recommend cognitive screening of older adults with diabetes with the aim of individualising treatment-regimens.

No consensus exists on if and how to test cognitive function in either research or clinical settings.

- This meeting will start this debate and encourage all participants, younger as well as more senior, to take an active part in discussions. The meeting will include presentations from leading researchers in the field and give younger researchers the opportunity to present their work and broaden their international network.

Invited speakers and programme:

Albert Gjedde, Professor, Aarhus & Copenhagen University, Denmark

Asmus Vogel, Associate Professor, Rigshospitalet, Denmark 

Carl-Johan Boraxbekk, Professor, Bispebjerg University Hospital, Denmark 

Christina Kruse, Professor, Herlev University Hospital, Denmark

Geert Jan Biessels, Professor, University Medical Centre Utrecht, Netherlands

Henrik B. W. Larsson, Professor, Rigshospitalet & Glostrup University Hospital, Denmark

Kamilla W. Miskowiak, Professor, Copenhagen University, Rigshospitalet, Denmark

Kasper Jørgensen, Neuropsychologist, Rigshospitalet, Denmark

Manfred Hallschmid, Professor, University Hospital Tübingen, Germany

Martin Heni, Professor, Ulm University, Germany

Nicolai Wever Albrechtsen, Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Peter Johannsen, International Medical Vice President, Novo Nordisk, Denmark

Rodica Pop-Busui, Professor, University of Michigan, USA

Please see the program below

Dinner registration and accommodation:

Networking is an important part of the meeting, and we encourage you to stay for the dinner. Please register for the dinner upon registration. The dinner is free of charge. If interested, accommodation can be arranged. We hope you find the program interesting and look forward to seeing you!

Kind regards,

On behalf of the Scientific Steering Committee,

Jørgen Rungby, Professor, Head of Translational T2D Research SDCC, Denmark

Birgitte Brock, Associate Professor, Head of Research SDCC, Denmark

Peter M Nilsson, Senior Professor/Expert, Lund University, Sweden

Christian Stevns Hansen, Post Doc, Complications Research SDCC, Denmark

Nicole J Jensen, PhD student, Translational T2D Research SDCC, Denmark 

Malin SD Nilsson, Post Doc, Translational T2D Research SDCC, Denmark

Helena Z Wodschow, PhD student, Translational T2D Research SDCC, Denmark

Christina van Elst, MSc, Translational T2D Research SDCC, Denmark



Cognitive dysfunction in diabetes 

How to screen in research and clinical settings


11:30-12:00 Registration, networking, and sandwich

12:00-12:20 Welcome and presentation of SDCC and our newly established unit with specialized focus on diabetes and the brain

Magnus T. Jensen, Director of SDCC, Denmark and Prof. Jørgen Rungby, Head of Translational type 2 diabetes research at SDCC, Denmark

Session 1:

Cognition in Diabetes, perspectives on complications in the nervous system

This session sets the scene by addressing stages of cognitive dysfunction, from subtle impairments to severe cases of dementia, that individuals with diabetes are at higher risk of. It will focus on identifying high risk individuals that should be monitored closer in a clinical setting and the target population in future clinical trials aiming to alleviate or circumvent cognitive decline.

Chair: MD, PhD Christian Stevns Hansen, Complications Research at SDCC, Denmark

12:20-12:40 Stroke in diabetes – Impact on cognition

Prof. Christina Kruse, Neurology Stroke Unit and Neurovascular Research Unit, Herlev University Hospital, Denmark

12:40-13:10 The importance of the peripheral nervous system for cognition

Prof. Rodica Pop-Busui, Internal Medicine, Metabolism, Endocrinology and Diabetes, at University of Michigan, USA

13:10-13:40 Diabetes-associated cognitive decline and risk of dementia – Who are the individuals at risk? (Online)

Prof. Geert Jan Biessels, UMC Brain Center of the University Medical Centre Utrecht, Netherlands

Coffee break and networking (13:40-14:00)

Session 2:

Guidelines on cognitive screening in diabetes – Optimal tests and frequency

Emerging guidelines recommend cognitive screening of diabetes patients. There is no consensus regarding: Who to screen? Which tests and how often? How do we define cognitive impairment? This session opens a debate on the purpose of screening and on how we can, timeand cost-efficiently, implement testing in our clinic. In clinical trials, what is a relevant follow-up time? Can we align tests to use?

Chair: Prof. Peter M Nilsson, Department of Internal Medicine – Epidemiology, Lund University, Sweden

14:00-14:10 Introduction to current guidelines on cognitive screening

PhD student Nicole J. Jensen, Translational Type 2 Diabetes Research at SDCC, Denmark

14:10-14:30 Screening tools for dementia – New Danish tool BASIC, reaching out to general practice

Neuropsychologist, Kasper Jørgensen, Danish Dementia Research Centre, Rigshospitalet, Denmark

14:30-15:00 Assessment of domain specific impairments – Lessons to learn from psychiatry

Prof. Kamilla W. Miskowiak, Institute for psychology at Copenhagen University and leader of the NEAD-group, Rigshospitalet, Denmark 

15:00-15:20 Self-administered tests and digital solutions

Prof. Carl-Johan Boraxbekk, Department of Neurology, at Bispebjerg University Hospital, Denmark

15:20-15:50 Panel discussion, facilitated by chairman Peter M Nilsson

Discussion based on the questions: Should we screen only for dementia or also for more modest impairments and how? 

Are self-administered digital solutions feasible and reliable? How often can tests be repeated? Audience will be active in the debate via online questionnaires, and the expert panel are selected presenters from session 1 and 2.

Coffee break and tour of SDCC (15:50-16:30)

Session 3:

Can neuroimaging and biomarkers support cognitive assessments?

Neuroimaging and biomarkers are intensively used in diagnostics and for monitoring disease progression in the neurodegenerative field. Are there lessons to learn and measures that should be implemented in the diabetes clinic or in the research field of brain complications in diabetes. 

Chair: Assoc. Prof. Birgitte Brock, Head of Clinical Research, SDCC, Denmark


The use of MRI in diabetes – What can we gain?

Prof. Henrik B. W. Larsson, Clinical Physiology, Nuclear Medicine and PET, Rigshospitalet & Glostrup University Hospital, Denmark

16:50-17:20 Cerebral glucose metabolism, A-beta and hyper-P-Tau in diabetes

Prof. Albert Gjedde, Translational Neuropsychiatry Unit, Aarhus University and Neuroscience, Copenhagen University, Denmark

17:20-17:45 Biomarkers for neuronal damage in diabetes

Assoc. Prof. Nicolai Wever Albrechtsen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Short break – stretch your legs (17:45-18:00)

Session 4: 

Hormones important for cognition

Session will highlight the importance of hormonal control of cognition in diabetes and related conditions and, equally important, discuss the importance of the brain in metabolic control.

Chair: Prof. Peter Rossing, Head of Complications Research at SDCC, Denmark

18:00-18:30 Psychoneuroendocrine factors in diabetes and obesity

Prof. Manfred Hallschmid, Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioural Neurobiology, University Hospital Tübingen, Germany

18:30-19:00 The importance of brain insulin resistance in metabolic health and disease

Prof. Martin Heni, Clinic of Internal Medicine at Ulm University, Germany

20:00-00:00 Conference dinner (registration required)


Session 5:

How to manage diabetes in people with cognitive impairments

Stories from real-life addressing the challenges that people with diabetes and cognitive impairments face in their diabetes management, at the clinic, and in daily life. What is the evidence for different treatment targets, should family and caregivers be involved more in diabetes care, are additional appointments in the clinic helpful and is there anything that we can offer? 

Moderator: Senior researcher Frederik Persson, Complications Research, SDCC, Denmark

08:30-08:50 Mapping the referral to a Memory Clinic – Perspectives from a clinician

Assoc. Prof. and neuropsychologist, Asmus Vogel, Danish Dementia Research Centre, Rigshospitalet, Denmark

08:50-09:30 Case discussion between a neurologist, diabetologist, and patient

09:30-10:45 Poster teasers and poster exhibition 

Moderator: Post Doc Malin Nilsson, Translational Type 2 Diabetes Research, SDCC, Denmark

Coffee break and small group chats in the garden – what do we take home? (10:45-11:05)

Session 6: 

Missing links to move forward – Establishment of new collaborations and trials

This last session will put perspectives on which direction we should move and address current knowledge gaps to move the field forward. On which areas can we learn from each other and establish new collaborations to reach new important insights. 

Chair: Prof. Jørgen Rungby, Head of Translational type 2 diabetes research at SDCC, Denmark

11:05-11:25 Input from Industry: How data from diabetes contributed to a development program in Alzheimer’s disease

Peter Johannsen, International Medical Vice President, Novo Nordisk, Denmark

11:25-11:40 Where do we go from here?Structured brainstorming session facilitated by Jørgen 


11:40-11:50 Closing remarks(incl. poster prize), Jørgen Rungby

Sandwiches (11:50)

The event is supported by a grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation.

Registration Form to be sent to the Steno Diabetes Neuro Unit Symposium September 15 to 16, 2023

Please fill out this registration form and return it by e-mail with “Steno Diabetes Neuro Unit Symposium” in the subject field no later than August 1 to

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Personal Details*:

Title/Speciality First Name(s) Last Name(s):

Place of work/organization:

Email address Mobile phone number:

I would like to register for the free dinner on September 15 (yes/no):

I need accommodation from September 15 to 16 (yes/no)

I plan to submit an abstract for the poster session (yes/no)

*We will collect some personal data (e.g., name, email address) from you when you register to this meeting. The main purpose for the collection is to administer and confirm your attendance at the meeting. Your personal data will be deleted by the end of the symposium.

Abstract details and guidelines:

Please submit your abstract via mail to Den här e-postadressen skyddas mot spambots. Du måste tillåta JavaScript för att se den.

no later than August 15, 2023. 

Submission of an abstract is optional and not a registration requirement but is highly recommended.

Be sure your abstract contains the following information and adheres to the following formatting guidelines before submission.

The abstract should be max 1500 characters incl. spaces and written in Arial 10, and should include:

  • Abstract title (Use a short and specific title with title-style capitalization and put it in bold)
  • Author name(s) (Underline the presenting author’s name)
  • Affiliations (Include unit, institution/company/hospital, city and country for all authors and put it in italic)
  • Abstract body containing following subheadings (Background and aim, Material and methods, Results (if obtained to-date), Conclusion (and perspectives).
  • No images, figures, charts, or tables should be included in the abstract.
  • Please proofread carefully before submission and submit a word file.

Format of poster:

Size of poster: A0 or A1 - width max. 1m / height max. 1.25m (“Portrait format” is visually preferred)
The Meeting is recommended by Peter M Nilsson, prof, Malmö SUS
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