DiabetologNytt Nr 1-2-2025
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Halverad risk 48% för ögonproblem 27 år efter tidig intensiv blodsockerkontroll. DCCT/EDIC uppföljning



I en ny amerikansk studie kommer ytterligare data som stödjer vikten av tidig blodsockerkontroll hos de som insjuknar i typ-1 diabetes.

Den långvariga effekten av blodsockerkontrollen tillskriver forskarna ett så kallat metabolt minne. På något sätt kommer kroppen ihåg historiska blodsockervärden och god blodsockerkontroll tidigt i sjukdomen verkar därför vara särskilt viktig. Om skador har börjat utvecklas verkar det vara svårt att stoppa utvecklingen. Mekanismen bakom detta metabola minne är inte helt känd.

Studien omfattade totalt 1 375 patienter med typ-1 diabetes och publiceras i The New England Journal of Medicine. Uppföljningen i den nya studien skedde i snitt 23 år efter den initiala behandlingen.

Eftersom närmare 38 miljoner människor beräknas ha typ-1 diabetes i världen menar forskarna att det potentiellt finns stora möjligheter att minska både sjuklighet och sjukvårdskostnader genom tidig och intensiv diabeteskontroll hos typ-1-diabetiker.

Här kan du läsa studien:

  • The DCCT/EDIC (Diabetes Control and Complications Trial/Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications Research Group). Intensive Diabetes Therapy and Ocular Surgery in Type 1 Diabetes. The New England Journal of Medicine, 2015; 372: 1722-33.
  • http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1409463?query=TOC
  • Abstract
  • Intensive Diabetes Therapy and Ocular Surgery in Type 1 Diabetes

    The DCCT/EDIC Research Group

    N Engl J Med 2015; 372:1722-1733April 30, 2015DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1409463

    The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) showed a beneficial effect of 6.5 years of intensive glycemic control on retinopathy in patients with type 1 diabetes.

    Between 1983 and 1989, a total of 1441 patients with type 1 diabetes in the DCCT were randomly assigned to receive either intensive diabetes therapy or conventional therapy aimed at preventing hyperglycemic symptoms. They were treated and followed until 1993. Subsequently, 1375 of these patients were followed in the observational Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (EDIC) study. The self-reported history of ocular surgical procedures was obtained annually. We evaluated the effect of intensive therapy as compared with conventional therapy on the incidence and cost of ocular surgery during these two studies.

    Over a median follow-up of 23 years, 130 ocular operations were performed in 63 of 711 patients assigned to intensive therapy (8.9%) and 189 ocular operations in 98 of 730 patients assigned to conventional therapy (13.4%) (P<0.001). after=”” adjustment=”” for=”” dcct=”” baseline=”” factors=”” intensive=”” therapy=”” was=”” associated=”” with=”” a=”” reduction=”” in=”” the=”” risk=”” of=”” any=”” diabetes-related=”” ocular=”” surgery=”” by=”” 48=”” 95=”” confidence=”” interval=”” ci=”” 29=”” to=”” 63=”” p=”0.01).” 0=”” 001=”” and=”” all=”” such=”” procedures=”” 37=”” 12=”” 55=”” forty-two=”” patients=”” who=”” received=”” 61=”” conventional=”” underwent=”” cataract=”” extraction=”” adjusted=”” 23=”” 65=”” 50=”” vitrectomy=”” retinal-detachment=”” or=”” both=”” 45=”” 66=”” costs=”” were=”” 32=”” lower=”” intensive-therapy=”” group=”” beneficial=”” effects=”” fully=”” attenuated=”” mean=”” glycated=”” hemoglobin=”” levels=”” over=”” entire=”” follow-up=”” br=””> Conclusions

    Intensive therapy in patients with type 1 diabetes was associated with a substantial reduction in the long-term risk of ocular surgery. (Funded by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases and others; DCCT/EDIC ClinicalTrials.gov numbers, NCT00360893 and NCT00360815.)

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