Dear Colleague,
We have the great pleasure to invite you to the
Berzelius symposium Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes, understanding the role of ethnicity in Umeå the 11-12th of September 2019.
This two-day symposium includes presentations from leading researchers in this field. You will also have the opportunity to interact and discuss with the invited speakers including a round-table discussion as well as the possibility to present your research in a poster session.
Welcome to Umeå on 11-12 Sept!
Leading researchers in the field will present an up to date view on obesity and type 2 diabetes from varying perspectives and different geographical/ethnic populations, including the role of genetics and interactions between genes and the environment.
Specific geographical/ethnic populations to be discussed include Australia, Sub-Saharan Africa, African Americans and Pima Indians in the US, East Asia, Greenland, and African migrants in Europe. There will also be round-table discussions and a possibility to present abstracts with input from leading experts.
The meeting is arranged by Umeå University, the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education, Journal of Internal Medicine in collaboration with the Swedish Society of Medicine.
You are all coordially invited to participate!
Keynote speakers:
Hanieh Yaghootkar, Exeter (UK)
Paul Franks, Lund
Alex Brown, Adelaide
Julia Goedecke, Cape Town
Barbara Gower, Birmingham (US)
Kyong Soo Park, Seoul
Torben Hansen, Copenhagen
For more information and program visit our website
where you will find all information regarding final program and registration including accommodation.
For a reduced rate, please sign up before the 15th of August 2019.
Preliminary Program
Wednesday 11 September 2019
12:00 Lunch and registration
13.00–13.15 Welcome and introduction. Tommy Olsson, Umeå and Julia Goedecke, Cape Town
13.15–14.00 Favourable adiposity genes pinpoint to the role of subcutaneous and liver fat in the ethnic differences in adiposity and diabetes risk, Hanieh Yaghootkar, Exeter (UK)
14.00–14.45 The genome out of context: gene-environment interactions in obesity and type 2 diabetes. Paul Franks, Lund
14.45–15.15 Tea/Coffee
15.15–16.00 Understanding and overcoming diabetes inequalities in indigenous populations – lessons from Australia. Alex Brown, Adelaide
16.00–17:00 Ethnic disparities in type 2 diabetes risk: the South African experience
17.00–19.00 Poster session, including presentation of 6 best posters (5 min each)
19.00 Dinner
Thursday 12 September 2019
08.30–09.15 Racial disparity in obesity: Is physiology to blame? Barbara Gower, Birmingham (US)
09.15–10.00 Pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes in East Asians. Kyong Soo Park, Seoul
10.00–10.30 Coffee
10.30–11.15 Precision medicine in isolated populations – lessons from Greenland. Torben Hansen, Copenhagen
11.15–12.00 How epidemiologic research in American Indians led to randomized clinical trials in prevention of type 2 diabetes. William C Knowler, Phoenix
12.00–12.45 Cardiovascular disease burden among African migrants in Europe: Insights from the RODAM study. Charles Agyemang, Amsterdam
12.45–13.45 Lunch
13.45–15.00 Round table discussion including all speakers, and input from audience.
Chairs: Tommy Olsson and Julia Goedecke
We hope to see you during the beautiful autumn in Umeå!
On behalf on the organizing committee
Tommy Olsson, Umeå, Julia Goedecke, Cape Town, Paul Franks, Lund, Mats Ryberg, Umeå, Julia Otten, Umeå, Elin Chorell, Umeå
www red DiabetologNytt