DiabetologNytt Nr 1-2-2025
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Avail Speaker Opportunities at the Islet Society Meeting 2012, 15-16 July, Stockholm

Avail the specially reduced Early Bird Registration Fees
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Registration Fees:
Early registration fee (before February 29): 2000 SEK incl. VAT (1600 SEK ex VAT)
Registration fee (before May 31): 2400 SEK incl. VAT (1920 SEK ex VAT)
Late registration fee (June 1 and after): 3000 SEK incl. VAT (2400 SEK ex VAT)
Early registration fee (before February 29): 2000 SEK incl. VAT (1600 SEK ex VAT)
Registration fee (before May 31): 3400 SEK incl. VAT (2720 SEK ex VAT)
Late Registration fee (June 1 and after): 4100 SEK incl. VAT (3280 SEK exVAT)
Early registration fee (before February 29): 2000 SEK incl. VAT (1600 ex VAT)
Registration fee (before May 31): 4700 SEK incl. VAT (3760 SEK ex VAT)
Late Registration fee (June 1 and after): 5500 SEK incl. VAT (4400 SEK exVAT)
For details, please see www.isletsociety.org
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