Diabetes Wellness Sverige invites the submission of research projects and proposals requiring funding in the field of diabetes. The foundation is actively seeking research projects in Sweden and around the world, which in the long term can lead to improved treatment methods and hopefully a working remedy for people living with diabetes.
Project Grants of up to 1 million SEK per year for up to 2 years will be considered.
- Applications can be basic, clinical or translational research in any area of diabetes including causes, complications, treatment and prevention
- Applicants should have no less than seven years of postdoctoral experience
- Applications will only be considered from researchers working in Swedish research institutions
- Please ensure the application is written in English
- Read more about the Foundation’s Research Strategy on the website
Applications must be received on or before 5pm, Monday 11h November, 2019. For further information, please contact Lottie Méran – lottie@diabeteswellness.se.
Applications for Diabetes Wellness Project Grants may be subjected to a pre-review procedure. In this event, any application rejected at this triage stage will not be subject to a complete scientific review and no feedback will be provided to the applicant
Applications should be completed on-line.
To apply, please click here: https://www.diabeteswellness.se/forskning/s%C3%B6k-forskningsanslag
Research and budget related questions should be directed to:
Dr Eleanor Kennedy
Email: eleanor.kennedy@drwf.org.uk
Mobile: +44 7769682537
Any other questions should be directed to:
Lottie Méran
Email: lottie@diabeteswellness.se
Tel. +46 851161200
Best wishes
Sarah Brown
Nyhetsinfo www red DiabetologNytt |