DiabetologNytt Nr 1-2-2025
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ADA Report. International Consensus on Time-in-Range TIR CGM-Based Targets.

At the 2019 Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes (ATTD), we got a preview of the international consensus report on TIR goals


The refined report has now been published online in Diabetes CareThe key takeaways were that people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes should aim to spend:

  • At least 70% of TIR (70-180 mg/dl) = 4-10 mmol/l
  • Less than 25% of time above 180 mg/dl = 10 mmol/l
  • Less than 5% of time below 70 mg/dl = 3,9 mmol/l

Importantly, the panel of authors add that even if a person isn’t at 70% in-range, every 5% increase in TIR is significant! After all, along with many notable researchers and clinicians, every 5% increase is equal to approximately one hour or more a day spent in range. There is also a fixed relation between % TIR and HbA1c

The hope is that the recommended goals increase CGM use – until now, there had not been any agreement on what appropriate time-in-range goals should be.

We were particularly happy that this working group was patient-oriented – diaTribe Editor-in-Chief Kelly Close was a part of the author group as were other renowned researchers with diabetes, including JDRF CEO Dr. Aaron Kowalski and Dr. Irl Hirsch of the University of Washington. 

Download Report from Diab Care June 9 2019, full text, no passward, 12 pages



From ADA Media Room


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