This year American Diabetes Association iADA n celebrating our 75th Anniversary, Celebrating Discovery, Innovation and Progress.
The timeline below highlights 75 years of progress in diabetes treatment, management and quality of life, and the Association’s role in these advancements.
Diabetes Complications Reduced
A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine reported that the incidence of diabetes complications dramatically improved as a result of research advances and preventive care
over the course of 20 years (1990-2010). Among people with diabetes, the study showed
• 52.9% reduction in stroke;
• 67.8% reduction in acute myocardial infarction;
• 51.4% reduction in amputation;
• 28.3% reduction in end stage renal disease and
• 64.4% reduction in hyperglycemic crisis deaths.
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This year, join the American Diabetes Association in celebrating our 75th Anniversary, Celebrating Discovery, Innovation and Progress. The timeline below highlights 75 years of progress in diabetes treatment, management and quality of life, and the Association’s role in these advancements. – See more at: