DiabetologNytt Nr 1-2-2025
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Ludvigsson, Ahrén, Lernmark high in ranked in diabetes world wide

Professor Johnny Ludvigsson i Linköping är nr 1 i Sverige, 53 i världen, Bo Ahrén är nr 2 i Sverige, Åke Lernmark nr 3 i Sverige och nr 108 i världen.

ScholarGPS celebrates Highly Ranked Scholar for their exceptional performance in various Fields, Disciplines, and Specialties. Publication record, the high impact of  work, and the outstanding quality of scholarly contributions have placed Johnny Ludvigsson in the top 0.05% of all scholars worldwide.

Listed below is a summary of the areas and the ranking in those areas status based on Johnny Ludvigsson accomplishments over the totality of career lifetime and over the prior five years:

Highly Ranked Scholar – Lifetime


Overall (All Fields)





Highly Ranked Scholar – Prior 5 Years





ScholarGPS is a California-based company in USA that applies artificial intelligence, data mining, machine learning, and other data science techniques to its massive database of over 200 million publications and 3 billion citations to rank over 30 million scholars and 55,000 institutions worldwide. For more information about individual scholars, specific institutions, subject matter experts, details of our ranking methodologies and more, visit ScholarGPS.com.


From www.scholargps.com


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